The first day of several first times

Okay, I wouldn’t say I took an overdue vacation from blogging because it is not my full-time job-I wish it was sigh! But life sadly isn’t a wish granting factory.Well, let’s get to the next part before I start a vicious crying cycle about how life is to me.So hello guys, I have finally made a comeback to the world of blogging.I have been well so far hope you guys have too.

So 7th December 2017 will be marked on my calendar forever.


Image source:Editable calendar

Why ?These are the questions which appear as answers to my question in your minds-:

1.Is it my birthday?


Image :Pinterest.

2.Did I get my first boyfriend ever?


And he may be Justin Bieber too.I am getting rich yay !Picture conveniently taken from google images

3.Did I get married?


Yes I got married in Ronaldo Style and I didn’t invite any of my friends.Picture again conveniently taken from google images.

4.Did I get my first child?


Image: Pinterest .Yes you ought to feel jealous that my baby is this cute.

5.Did I graduate high school? I badly want someone to invent a time machine so that I can turn time back to five years in that case where I could go back in time and change everything which happened since then.I don’t have the advanced engineering skills required to invent time machines.India has so many qualified engineers but none of them was able to do it.Looks like only the scientist from the movie ‘Back to the future’ would be able to do it.


Image Source:Pinterest.If I could turn back time to the good old days of high school.

7th December is a date that is worthy of marking in the calendar because it’s my parents’ wedding anniversary that day.Nope but that’s not why I am writing this blog post.My parents’ anniversary comes every year.

IMG_20171214_141053 (2)

This picture was taken in Kandy, Sri Lanka in 2010.That’s the 13-year-old me.

From my side, it is the day which made me take the most number of first times.I did things which I have never had the courage to do in my entire life and I am pretty sure people who know me personally would think I am lying or exaggerating if I tell them that I actually did these things.But I have video proofs for everything which I shall be uploading as vlogs on youtube.

So these are the list of things I did-:

1.Took a FULL solo trip; unlike other self-proclaimed ‘solo trips’ where I would be accompanied by friends or family during segments of the trips I was fully on my own


Image Source: Pinterest.I successfully completed a milestone in a traveller’s life

2.Stayed in a tent


The inside looked better than the outside.Will show it you in my next post.


3.Did bungee jumping


I asked that guy to click a picture as well as take a video so he only took a video.After viewing my stories on Instagram several of you asked me to share the full video so I shall share it soon.

4.Rode a bike; I have had this fear of driving and I have realised that riding a bike is actually therapeutic.My perception towards bikes have changed and now I have gotten rid of my driving phobia.


Yes, this is an ATV bike.A tricycle in the world of bikes.After all, we start with tricycles, side wheels and then bicycle right??My face looks sweaty after 12+ hours of no sleep and non-stop travelling.


I like this candid picture better.It looks like I am driving a truck

5.Rode a jet ski; with an assistant obviously just to make sure I don’t go crazy and fall into the Narmada.I don’t even know swimming to save myself.


I would rate this the best of all adventures because this was great fun and tide was its peak.



I only have this bad picture.So you guys would have to make do with it.Will share the full video soon.

7.Visited Madhya Pradesh


Image result for madhya pradesh

Irrelevant compared to the previous ones but noteworthy


8.Visited Hanuwantiya



Image: Outlook traveller India.The Island from the Bird’s eye view where I did part of my solo trip will share the details of the places in my next post.

9.Attended the Jal Mahotsav Carnival



Had fun and made memories for a lifetime.All the adventure activities were a part of this Carnival.

10.Camped by the river bank.


River Narmada in winter the best ever.

11.Left my wallet and phone unsupervised; in the tent at night.Kids don’t try this ever, please and adults wait for my next blog post before you scream your lungs at me for being a careless kid who took her parents’ money  for granted all her life


I knew it would be there when I returned hence I left it behind.

12.Stayed in a room with a ‘zip’ lock.


The tent had zips as locks instead of actual locks

13.Tried my hand at rock climbing but failed miserably; at least I tried.I wouldn’t live a life of regret if I had failed but I would if I don’t try.


I chickened out while climbing because I have very low body balance and I always fall off during climbing activities despite protection

14.Climbed up the longest ladder I have ever climbed.


To reach the zip lining area

15.Rode in a bullock cart


The guy was so nice that he offered me the ride for free but still I ended up paying him.

I ‘ziplined’ too but this wasn’t my first time.My first ziplining experience was in Darjeeling and that was a zillion times better than the one I did here.



This zip lining venture wasn’t high enough and was over land.What’s the excitement when it isn’t over water ?

I would mark this date as the ‘best day of my life’ so far on the calendar because this was the day I decided to let go and live in the moment.The song ‘let it go’ from frozen describes this day for me.


I am glad that this day co-incidentally corresponds to my parents’ anniversary.

So to answer all the questions which appeared in your mind as answers to my question:

1.Was it my birthday? Yes, you say that because I was reborn a better person on this day.

2.Did I get my first boyfriend ever?I discovered the boyish spirit in me and I fell in love with him.

3.Did I get married? Yes but not for a person to adventure.

4.Did I get my first child?Yes the child in me was born.No pun intended

5.Did I graduate high school?Yes, I earned a degree in the high school of life.Now wish me good luck in college.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post.My next blog post on my first solo trip will be out soon.Stay tuned!

Have a good Friday night having fun you deserve it.Whereas I have had too much fun and I need to work on a Friday night too.Bye Bye!


Image courtesy: Pinterest.Editing and meme courtesy: Me.Actually, I would like to end the post by saying that I am the one who edited all the images in this picture.





45 thoughts on “The first day of several first times

  1. You go girl! Keep being courageous and adventurous. Life is full of awesome experiences and we need to get out of our comfort zone to take full advantage of them. Hope the new year brings you even more adventures! #feetdotravel


  2. Hey Harini! Once you are past the first time, you start hearing relaxing music in your mind on the experience, though the first time might have been tough in mustering courage! Nice to hear that you attended the Jal Mahotsav in MP. I too just heard about it. You should blog about the experience at Jal Mahotsav!


  3. What a lovely writeup. It’s always interesting to reflect back on our “first time” of everything that happened in life. I am a travel blogger like you, and I can relate to many of these things like the “first time” I stepped out alone, tried something new be it a new dish only, and a lot more…


  4. Congratulations! I must say it’s one of the first steps toward becoming a more authentic you. I remember the first time I traveled solo. I went to Thailand and, that time, I had the best moments of my life.


  5. That were a many firsts so 7th Dec will stay in your memory for a long time, maybe forever Harini. Looking forward to many more of your adventures and firsts ! Gotta be careful with your wallet though 😉


  6. Well first of all as a long-term solo traveler (6 years and counting) Welcome to the world of solo traveling haha – And secondly, wow you covered quite a lot there, what an action packed day, I bet it felt great but also so tiring at the end of it all 😀 – God luck on your future trips


  7. That’s such a great way of documenting! It’s so great that you tried rock climbing. I tried snorkelling and failed the first time. But I did try again and Im so glad I did! Did you try rock climbing again?


  8. Traveling solo for the first time can be breathtaking. Reading your post reminds me of myself. Good to read all you did. Thumbs up! I look forward to reading about more of your adventures as you grow older


  9. All of these on the 7th of December? Well you sure have a reason to see this day as special indeed. You’ve done so much and many of them are your firsts. Way to go girl! Here’s to taking courage and many more first times in 2018!


  10. Wow, didn’t know a lot could happen in such a short span of time. I’m glad you experienced the thrill of new experiences, and personally, I wish I could challenge myself to do a lot of scary or first-time things on a daily basis. That way I won’t be in my comfort zone all the time

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